United States

Consistent with our core value of respect for every individual, The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) is committed to respecting the privacy of our employees, consumers and those with whom we do business. Our commitment to privacy is embedded in our Privacy Policies, Codes of Conduct, and business operations.
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China (Mainland)
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Hong Kong, SAR of China
- Hungary
- India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Korea
- Kuwait
- Macau, SAR of China
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Norway
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan, China
- Thailand
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
Privacy Governance

ELC Code of Conduct
ELC is committed to the highest standards of professional and personal conduct. All employees of the Company are expected to conduct themselves at all times within the letter and the spirit of the Code. Our Privacy Principles can be found in our Code of Conduct.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct serves as the basis for how we evaluate and help our suppliers meet our high ethical standards in the procurement of our product ingredients and materials. We expect our suppliers to respect and safeguard ELC’s confidential information (including personal information). In addition, ELC’s Supplier Sustainability Guidelines provide suppliers with practical actions they can take, building on the foundation of the Supplier Code requirements, to move toward best practices.

Social Impact & Sustainability
Our annual Social Impact & Sustainability (SI&S) Report tracks our progress on goals and commitments across sustainability, gender and racial equity, social and community investments, and employee impact engagement over the past year. Details about our privacy and cyber security programs are found in our SI&S Report.