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STEM分野における女性の活躍を広げていく:アジア太平洋地域 研究開発バイスプレジデント 笠川由美 インタビュー
関連情報, 2024.3.8
[English translation below]
1990年代に笠川が若手の女性としてSTEM分野の仕事を探そうとしたときは大変な場面もあったと振り返えります。当時、職場で女性は脇役としてしか考えられておらず、面接官は結婚や出産の計画について尋ねることが多かったといいます。彼女自身はジェンダーバランス取れている企業で働いてきましたが、最近、製造部門のシニアリーダーと一緒に仕事をした際に、そのリーダーは、シニアグローバルリーダーのポジションにいる女性エンジニアにこれまで出会ったことがなかったようで、笠川と出会えてうれしい驚きを感じたようです。 笠川:「より多くの男性リーダーが、次世代のより良い職場環境を育むために、男女ともに多様で包括的な職場を経験できることを願っています。」
ELCは力強く刺激的な女性に囲まれた環境であり、笠川はELCでジェンダーに関連した課題に直面したことはないといいます。個人的な成功を阻む障害は、実は根深い社会的慣習のために、自分の中から出てくることが多いと感じているようです。 笠川:「私は 『いい人』 になるように育てられ、他人を傷つけないように自分の意見を控えめにしてきました。今でも、自分が親切にしすぎていないか、攻撃的になりすぎていないかを常にチェックしています。」「女性はより申し訳なさそうで自己批判的な傾向があり、他人の感情を気にしすぎることがあります。」
笠川:「私たちには女性のリーダーシップのクリティカルマスがあるので、STEM分野で優秀な女性を引き付ける環境を作り、私たちの専門知識を使って何をするかに集中することができます。美容業界は女性だけではありませんが, 平等で包括的な環境があるという観点で先行していると言えるでしょう。」
新製品を生み出す科学技術の無限の可能性に突き動かされている笠川は、女性の生活を改善する上で自分が 「小さな役割」 を果たしているという認識にも刺激を受けています。24人中13人が女性であるチームを主導する彼女は、意識的にインクルーシブな職場環境を育成することを信じています。しかし、女性が自分のことを二の次にして他人に過度に配慮していることをよく目にするため、彼女は女性の同僚の積極的な行動を擁護しています。
トップに女性が増えるということは、一般的な女性の否定的な経験への共感が高まり、女性が実際に何を必要とし、何を望んでいるかについての貴重な洞察が得られるということです。笠川は、リーダー職への女性の関与と次世代のリーダーの育成を強化することに取り組んでいます。彼女は、STEM分野の女性を含むELCの女性の昇進を支援するために設計されたWomen in Supply ChainやWomen's Leadership Network社員リソースグループなど、ELCの女性の昇進イニシアチブを積極的に支援しています。彼女は、STEM分野の女性として、またシニアリーダーシップの役割を果たす女性として成功するためには、意思や信念などの資質が不可欠であると述べています。
This International Women’s Day, as we celebrate the women creators, boundary breakers, changemakers, and innovators, we explore the experiences of Yumi Kasakawa, Vice President, Research & Development, Asia-Pacific, in the hope that we can inspire and achieve a future where there are limitless opportunities for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) and beyond.
A true innovator and changemaker, Yumi Kasakawa has worked in the field of R&D for her entire career and has first-hand experience of the challenges that many women face when pursuing a career in STEM and taking on a leadership role.
“I consider it my life’s work to educate society that women can be extremely successful in the fields of STEM, and to remind the women in these fields of just how great they are,” states Yumi.
As a young girl growing up in Japan, Yumi was one of the luckier ones. While some could only dream of a career in a STEM field, stymied by conventional beliefs about the kind of jobs suitable for women, Yumi was encouraged by a young, female science teacher in junior high school and two female mathematics teachers in high school. At a time when only 10 percent of the students in her classes were girls, the teachers empowered her to feel confident about following a scientific path by continually reinforcing their faith in her talent – an affirmation she says she didn’t always receive from those around her. After studying agricultural biochemistry at Kobe University in Japan, and architectural design in the UK and Japan, Yumi began her career at P&G, where she led numerous teams, including consumer insights and innovation, for nearly two decades. She subsequently worked for Mars Inc. for nine years, leading the Pet Care innovation function in Japan for Asia-Pacific, before joining ELC in 2019 as head of the Company’s Innovation Center in Tokyo.
Recalling her attempts as a young Japanese woman in the 1990s to find a STEM job, Yumi describes the situation as challenging. Back then, women were only considered for supporting roles and she recalls interviewers typically asking her about her plans for marriage and children. While Yumi has always been employed by companies with a healthy gender balance, she recently worked with a senior manufacturing leader who admitted he had never met a female engineer in a senior global leadership role but was pleasantly surprised when he did.
“I hope more male leaders can be exposed to diverse and inclusive workplaces for all genders to foster a better work environment for the next generation,” she says.
Surrounded by strong and inspiring women at ELC, Yumi hasn’t come up against any gender-related challenges. Any obstacles to personal success have often come from within herself due to ingrained social conventions.
“I was raised to be ‘nice’ and to downplay my opinions so as not to hurt others’ feelings. Even now, I constantly check that I’m not being either too accommodating or too aggressive,” she explains. “Women tend to be more apologetic and self-critical and may worry too much about other people’s emotions.”
At ELC, there is a high number of female employees, and the Company looks toward a world in which women and girls invent the tools and technologies of the future. This is reflected in the Company’s Research and Development function. All of ELC’s global R&D Innovation Centers are led by women and more than 60% of ELC scientists, engineers, and technical professionals are female. This equal and inclusive environment creates a critical home for women in STEM, allowing them to pursue their goals without struggling to fit into a male-dominant culture.
“As we have a critical mass of female leadership, we can create an environment to attract the best female talent in STEM and focus on what we do using our expertise,” she says. “The beauty industry isn’t exclusively female, but I would say it’s ahead of the game.”
She attributes her constant energy and enthusiasm for her job to the countless female role models she encounters daily in STEM-related fields as well as in other areas of the business. She feels she is continually learning from these women who are driving business while staying true to themselves.
Driven by the limitless possibilities of science and technology to generate new products, Yumi is also inspired by the knowledge that she is playing “a small part” in improving women’s lives. Overseeing a team of 24 people, 13 of whom are female, Yumi believes in fostering a consciously inclusive work environment. However, she often sees women being overly accommodating to others while putting themselves second and she tries to champion assertive behaviour in her female colleagues.
“I learned that stating an opinion takes courage, but the cost of silence is very expensive long term – not only for oneself but for the next generation of women in STEM,” she says. “I try to remind my female colleagues that they are more powerful than they think they are.”
Having more women at the top means greater empathy to the negative experiences of women in general and a valuable insight into what they actually need and want. Yumi is committed to bolstering female engagement in senior positions and the development of the next generation of leaders. She is a frequent sponsor of the women advancement initiatives at ELC, including the Women in Supply Chain and Women’s Leadership Network employee resource groups, which are designed to support the advancement of women at the company, including women in STEM. She cites qualities such as intention and conviction as essential for success both as a woman in STEM and a woman in a senior leadership role.
“Leaders have to make decisions even without a perfect set of data and we have to be comfortable accepting that we might make mistakes even when we are trying our best. Learning from those mistakes is much better than not leading for fear of failing,” she says. “I try to remind myself why I am working: to deliver great products that make our consumers happier and create better workplaces for the next generation of female talent.”
As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we salute the creators, boundary breakers, changemakers, and innovators like Yumi — the unstoppable women who are shattering stereotypes, rewriting the rules, and advancing opportunities for women whatever they choose to do.